A consultation is underway about changes to Croydon’s Fair Access Protocol (FAP)which has not been revised for a number of years.
Key changes in the new protocols include clarity around:
- Determining school places for hard-to-place children who are without a school place, with presumptions around allocation of school based on proximity to the home address and other presumptions for those return from elective home education, returning to Croydon for abroad/another LA and those with siblings;
- What will happen when a pupil has been ‘off-rolled’. These provisions will protect pupils and schools from off-rolling;
- Placements in AP by the panel. In line with DfE guidance and Ofsted statements pupils offered an AP place through FAP will remain in dual registration with their home school until such time as they are reintegrated, secure a new school or leave the school at the end of phase. This will protect schools and the process from any possible charges of off-rolling;
- The financial arrangements for pupils placed in AP through FAP and provision for financial support for pupils being reintegrate;
There are some key questions asked around whether classes should be required to go over number (at KS2 – KS4) if required by the FAP, the appeals process for schools following a FAP decision and children returning from periods of absence in other countries. All schools should have received and e-mail from Chris Roberts (Head of Learning Access) with the link to the survey. There are different surveys for primary and secondary. The CHTA encourage all schools in Croydon to respond. If you haven’t had the link to the survey please e-mail chris.roberts@croydon.gov.uk